Playing is easy, is it not?

Playing together with others is an art which has to be learned. If you think about starting a play party for your child here we show you what you can do to make this event a great experience for all. Starting today and every day for the following 4 days we will touch a different aspect of playing is easy. Please read our suggestions, plus if you like, comment our articles and let us know your personal experiences at your child’s play party.

How to make the first play date a success!

A children get together under the age of four is not a “tea party” for parents. There is constant dispute to be settled, help and motivation has to be given when needed. You probably think: This is something they can do it on their own? No they cannot, at least not yet. Because: Playing together with others is social learning. Adults need to show how to behave in case one child takes the scoop of the other one or one troughs a fit because he gets the blue car instead of the red car. Here is what parents can do to have a successful first play date!

Rules for playing together:

If you consider the 8 golden rules your play party should be a success and a pleasure for children and moms alike.

Learn how to play – learn how to dispute:

One does not go without the other, here you can read how kids learn how to play and how to dispute.

Sharing hurts:

Who really likes to share what belongs to him? But who can give has learned a lot for their life. If children have to share what belongs to them we will encounter resistance.

I pinch that:

Little once have still a problem to make a difference between mine and yours. If you ask your child to give back what belongs to another child it will most of the times end in a conflict.

This now belongs to me:

It really gets complicated if they have to share what does not belong to anybody. How to solve this problem we show  you here.

The Hip Swing

Illustration: Nila AyeAdult movements are parallel. For instants adults stand right in front of a chair and then sit down. Anyone who has ever observed a child sitting down can tell it looks much different. Children need a rotation to do these movements. Whether they go from a lying down to a crawler position or from sitting down to a stand up in any case they move in a spiral way from one position to the next. Parents who have this in mind can use this moving pattern when sitting down with the baby in their arms. Apparently this spiral movement shell help in cases of bellyache and bloating.

Authors: Nora Imlau

Illustrationen: Nila Aye

Drinking With My Body

Illustration: Nila AyeWhen babies drink they need not only their mouth to do so they need their body too. In order to learn the process of sucking and swallowing often the full buddy is in demand. As an example: It helps almost all babies if they can put their hand on mom’s breast or on the bottle. Infants also drink more even and calm if their feet are not dangling in the air. Simply put your hand under the little feeds to give them a boundary. Parents who recognize and react on the babies needs can calm them down and prevent digestive problems.

Authors: Nora Imlau

Illustrationen: Nila Aye

Come Up, You Can Do It!

Illustration: Nila AyeBabies get picked up and put down many times a day. We automatically choose the shorts “way” of doing it. Think about it: Your baby lies on it back, you come, place a hand under its body and the other under his head and up you go. The same way we do it lying the baby down. This is an unnatural move for your child and there is no chance for it to actively participate. Your baby enjoys rolling from his back with a little gentle help to his tummy. When prop up the arms your hand is holding and supporting the little chest and slowly move into a supported stand up position. Now is the perfect time to pick up your happy bundle of joy.

Authors: Nora Imlau

Illustrationen: Nila Aye

Let’s Turn Around

Illustrationen: Nila Aye When changing your baby’s diapers you have to turn it from the back position over the side to the belly. Babies and infants are perfectly capable to do this movement if they have sufficient time. So rule number one for a baby friendly movement is to take your time. Slow down! Babies cannot follow our fast and automatic movements. Much better is it to put one hand under the shoulder of your child the other one at the hips and then soft, in slow motion indicate the direction of the turn. You can feel how the baby tightens its muscles and helps with the turn.

Authors: Nora Imlau

Illustrationen: Nila Aye

Shake The Booty

Illustrationen: Nila Aye No, not another fitness program.

Step one floor down please! Infants and babies can do own movement only lying down. If they are held or carried around in this position the possibility of moving is even more limited. Therefor it is important that parents go down from the adult level for example lying down on a blanket to baby’s level.  Your next step will be to observe which movement your baby is trying to do and move in the same direction. For instants, if your baby moves from the back position into lying on the side you could put the baby on your belly and move together with just sufficient protection to keep it from falling off.

Authors: Nora Imlau

Illustrationen: Nila Aye

Babies Get Quikly The Hang Of It

The exercises are flexible and not a monotonous step by step to follow program that you should work through with your baby.  It is all about natural movements that your baby will have fun with and at the same time it helps him get a new sense of space and his own body. Exercising with your child is supposed to calm it down and is an opportunity for you to have some quality fun time together.

An Idea That Moves

Kinaesthetic infant handling – a difficult name for a simple idea. Babies can and want to move – and it is our job to support them in doing so. Dr. Lenny Maietta and Dr. Frank Hatch developed this program, assuming it is quite unsatisfactory for babies to be passively moved around by their parents. They argue that babies do “gymnastics” already in the mothers belly to strengthen and force motion for later. “Handling” babies has become automatic movements passed on form moms to daughters forcing the newborn entirely against nature to no action. We wrap them in, lift them up, carrying them around and put them down without allowing them to help in any way. Those moves can be done in such a way that the baby, even newborns, can participate. Pediatric nurses who are trained in handling Kinaesthetic Infant report a very positive influence on body awareness, balance, agility and confidence especially in premature babies or children with a handicap.